If you love to shoot scenics- here are the 4 tools every scenic/landscape photographer should have and carry with them:
1. Sturdy Tripod
A sturdy tripod will allow you to shoot any shutter speed you desire. Often longer shutter speeds are used in landscape photography to capture rushing water with a motion blur, the movement of clouds, to make choppy water look glassy or to open a longer window of opportunity to capture a lightning strike. Combine it with a remote switch so you don't push the button and shake the camera (or use your camera's timer mode). We recommend, Benro, Manfrotto, Mefoto and Really Right Stuff.
3. 9 or 10 Stop Neutral Density Filter
When you want a slow shutter speed during daylight hours, often there is simply no way to achieve it without over exposing your image. That's wear a filter such as the Lee Big Stopper comes in. This type of filter is simply "sunglasses" for your camera and will block the unwanted light. 9 or 10 stops is ideal for mid day and would be the difference between shooting at 1/100 vs. 10 seconds! This will allow you to achieve beautiful motion blurs in midday sunlight.
4. Cable Release with Timer
When your camera is on a tripod, the last thing you want to do is defeat the purpose of that added stability by pressing the button and shaking the camera as you take a photo. In a pinch, your camera's built in timer delay mode will be a good solution, but a remote switch with a timer has some added benefits. Its much more convenient when taking a number of bracketed shots in a row, it has a timer you can observe when shooting in bulb mode (shutter speeds lengthier than 30 seconds), and some models come with an intervalometer for time lapse photography. I prefer the corded versions which are more reliable and hassle free. Canon makes an excellent full featured model. Finally- and we always recommend this: Don't stop learning! Your education is the best thing to invest in as a photographer if you want to improve. Scroll down to see our latest landscape photography class offering......
See more of Jordan's work at http://www.jordanrobertsgallery.com/
Sign up for Jordan's class here: https://localphotoclasses.com/events/landscape-shoot-edit-workshop/
(use coupon code landscape15 for 15% off)